Sunday, November 7, 2010


Great day for KAP launch 2. Went to the park with my trusty assistant Macey this morning for our second launch. Winds were steady and the launch went quite well. We sent the camera up to about 250 feet and produced these pointing to the northeast:

So we decided to bring the kite back down and turn it to face to the west, back towards our house. The winds were steady so pulling back in 250 feet of line wasn't too difficult. Once the camera was close Macey grabbed it and turned the chassis to point to the west. We reset the exposure button to start taking pictures every 10 seconds and got these:

We decided to start pulling it back down when all of a sudden the line broke....up by the kite! The camera rig came crashing down to the ground and the kite floated off to the Northeast.

The camera chassis was bent but the camera was not damaged and our photos were in tact! We gave chase to go find the kite, but we had no luck in finding it. :-(

So two missions in, we have about 20 good pictures and now no kite. The saga will continue...

Time to get another kite! :-)

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